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Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome

Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome

What is Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome? 

Twin to twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS) is a rare condition affecting approximately 10% of twins that share the same placenta. TTTS is a disease of the placenta that causes a low amount of amniotic fluid and poor fetal growth.   

Twin to twin transfusion syndrome

What causes TTTS?  

Abnormal blood vessel connections form in the placenta allowing blood to flow unevenly between the fetuses. One twin − called the donor – becomes dehydrated. The other twin − called the recipient − develops high blood pressure. The recipient produces too much urine and over fills the amniotic sac.

How is TTTS diagnosed? 

TTTS may be diagnosed using a variety of methods including: 

  • Ultrasound
  • Echocardiography

What happens if TTTS is left untreated? 

Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome is a rare but serious condition which puts extra strain on both babies, as one is working too hard to process excess fluid, and the other is straining to gain enough nutrient rich blood to grow healthy and strong.  Left untreated, this condition can lead to preterm labor or even miscarriage of the pregnancy, leaving both babies at risk. 

Through careful monitoring and planning, Dr. Mehra can help you and your family decide the best course of action for your specific diagnosis.  If you are expecting twins, and have been advised that TTTS may be a concern, Dr. Mehra is Chicago's leading MFM expert, and will guide you through each step to ensure the best possible outcome.