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How to Cope When Your Unborn Baby is Diagnosed with a Birth Defect

Dec 26, 2023
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Remember that open communication with Dr. Mehra's team is key. Don't hesitate to ask any questions or voice your concerns. Understanding the entire process will empower you to make informed decisions and feel more confident about the path you choose.

Before undergoing fetal surgery, it's essential to gather comprehensive information and address any concerns you might have. Asking the right questions can help you make informed decisions and ease any apprehensions you may be feeling. Here are some important questions to consider asking Dr. Mehra's team:

What is the Specific Diagnosis?

Understand the exact condition or anomaly affecting your baby and how it might impact their health and development.

What are the Treatment Options?

Ask about all available treatment options, including both surgical and non-surgical approaches. Understand the potential benefits and risks associated with each option.

Is Fetal Surgery Necessary?

Learn why fetal surgery is recommended in your case. Understand the potential benefits and risks of undergoing surgery versus other forms of treatment or waiting until after birth.

What are the Potential Risks and Complications of the Surgery?

Get a clear understanding of the risks associated with the surgical procedure itself, such as infection, bleeding, premature labor, and damage to the uterus. Ask about the potential impact on the baby's health as well.

How Experienced is Dr. Mehra's Team?

Inquire about the medical team's experience and expertise in performing fetal surgeries. Ask about their success rates and whether they have treated similar cases before.

What is the Ideal Timing for the Surgery?

Discuss the optimal gestational age for the surgery. Timing is crucial, as performing the surgery too early or too late can affect the outcomes.

How will the Surgery be Performed?

Understand the surgical approach (open surgery or minimally invasive) and the steps involved in the procedure. Ask about the expected duration of the surgery.

What is the Recovery Process for Both the Baby and Mother?

Gain insights into what to expect after the surgery, including the baby's recovery in utero and any potential changes in your pregnancy.

How will the Surgery Impact the Pregnancy?

Discuss how the surgery might affect your pregnancy, including the risk of preterm labor and any necessary modifications to your prenatal care.

What are the Long-term Prognosis and Follow-up Care?

Ask about the potential long-term outcomes for your baby's health. Understand the need for any ongoing care, interventions, or surgeries after birth.

How will Pain and Discomfort be Managed?

Inquire about pain management strategies for both you and your baby during and after the surgery.

What Emotional Support is Available?

Understand the emotional toll that fetal surgery can take on expectant parents. Ask about available support services, such as counseling or support groups.

Are There Alternatives to Fetal Surgery?

Discuss if there are any alternative treatments or interventions that might be considered, along with their potential benefits and risks.

How will the Progress be Monitored?

Learn about the monitoring procedures to track your baby's condition before and after the surgery. Ask how frequently ultrasounds or other assessments will be conducted.

Can I Get a Second Opinion?

It's your right to seek a second opinion to ensure you are making the best decision for you and your baby. Ask Dr. Mehra if he can recommend another expert for consultation.